Keeping Brothers

"The Porter brothers’ presence together would have reminded them of the good old days, had not a recent string of bad new days taken place."

-Issue 02– The Expressionist Literary Magazine


"I don’t believe I was created to be capable of love. None of my kind were, and I’m no different from them. I hope I’m not."

-The Pink Hydra, August 2024 issue


“Yesterday afternoon, the house behind me was the scene of the brutal death of Marianne Beck, a retired grandmother of three. Be advised, the details of this case might disturb some viewers.”

-Elegant Literature Magazine, issue #19 “Shadows and Knives”


“One Sunday afternoon, in the deserted Mars University cafeteria, Yem sat waiting anxiously for his contact, picking at a hangnail on his thumb. This plan was insane. And yet, it wouldn’t just give him enough research to justify his existence as a professor. It would fulfill all of Yem’s seemingly impossible lifelong dreams.  If he didn’t die in the process, of course.”


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